How You Can Work With Us

Tilt Stand-Alone Packages

A smiling man wearing a Tilt Business Coaching hoodie

Cash Flow Projection

Do you know what your bank balance is going to look like in 3 months time? Predicting the future is hard, but not impossible with the right numbers. Let’s map out what your cash flow looks like going forward, and bring some certainty to your business and your life.

  • 1 x 45 minute Zoom session

    Cash Flow Projection report upon com


    Price - $900 plus GST

Pricing for Profit

Are you making profit on every good or service you sell? Tilt can help you use the numbers in your business to set prices that reflect value and optimise profitability.

  • 1 x 45 minute Zoom session

    Pricing for Profit report upon completion of session

    Price - $900 plus GST

A young man smiling in a Tilt Business Coaching polo

True Cost of Staff

What do your staff members really cost you in your business? It is a lot more than just the wage you are paying each week. Let us show you exactly what you need to consider and bring clarity to your labour resources.

  • 1 x 45 minute Zoom session

    True Cost of Staff report upon completion of session

    Price - $900 + GST

One on One Coaching

A man looking into the distance wearing Tilt apparel

Full Tilt - One on One Coaching

For the business owner ready to take back control of their business and their life.

The Full Tilt package is the complete coaching experience. A truly personalised journey to achieving your business and life goals, supported along the way by your dedicated Tilt coach. We will celebrate the wins with you, ride the lows with you, keep you accountable, push you to your potential, and get you where you want to be.

  • 45 min Zoom sessions every fortnight

    Support between sessions

    Price - $350 plus GST per week

Tilt Intensive - One on One

For the business owner who needs a little extra help with that personalised touch.

We run you through the five fundamental pillars in a way that is relevant to you. This one-on-one experience is just the thing to get your head back in the game and help you bring your business back in line with your goals.

*Includes a full business health check.

  • 6 x 60 min Zoom sessions over 6 weeks

    Support between sessions

    Price - $700 plus GST per sessions

A young man sitting at a table

Tilt Start Up - One on One

For the business owner just getting started.

The Tilt Start Up Package is the perfect way to start your journey as a business owner. We provide the support and guidance you need to get your business up and running with a four sessions program that takes you through the crucial steps of getting started in business, working through our key pillars while also covering off the admin side of business start up. Set off with the confidence you have ticked every box, and your business is ready to burst onto the scene with secure foundations. 

  • 4 x 60 min Zoom sessions (scheduled dependent on client needs)

    Support between sessions

    Price - $700 plus GST per session

Fundamental Packages

A man working on a laptop

Tilt Business Health Check

For the business owner who doesn’t know where to start.

You can’t move forward if you don’t know where you’re starting from. The Tilt Check is the first step in your journey to better business health. We ask you to consider various questions relating to our five pillars, some you may have never thought about before. We want to know everything about how you and your business ticks. Over a two hour session, we will talk you through what we see as your strengths and weaknesses, and help you visualise your next step in taking back control of your business and your life.

  • 1 x 90 min Zoom session

    Tilt Health Check Report after session

    Price - $1,000 plus GST

Tilt Goals Blueprint Development

For the business owner who has lost direction.

As a small business owner, the key to success lies in the synergy between your personal and business aspirations. In this session, we help you turn your ideas into goals. From there we can start mapping out the path to achieving these goals, building the business you envisioned and living the life you dream of.

  • 1 x 90 min Zoom session

    Personalised Tilt Goals Blueprint after session

    Price - $900 plus GST

Ideal Life Calculator

For the business owner chasing the dollar.

How much do you need to live the life that you want? Let’s plug the numbers in and see what your ideal life really costs, and what you need to do in your business to get there.

  • 1 x 45 minute Zoom session

    Ideal Life Calculator report upon completion of session

    Price - $900 plus GST

Not sure what package is right for you?

Book a free chat with us to find out where to start.

Terms of Engagement

  • (Please note these are general terms and conditions. When signing on with Chaps IN Caps Pty Ltd T/As Tilt Business Coaching you will be issued with an engagement letter detailed to your specific package.)

    Purpose, Scope and Output of the Engagement

    Tilt Business Coaching will provide business coaching services as per the package you have signed up for.

    Chaps IN Caps Pty Ltd T/As Tilt Business Coaching will provide support and help for you to achieve your goals and assist you to help improve overall business performance.

    It can be lonely in business, and as such we provide a sounding ear, someone to bounce ideas off and/or just talk through any stress points or worries you are having and then help you put in an action plan to alleviate them.

    Key areas of focus are:

    o Goal Setting and Mindset

    o Cashflow

    o Staff/Team

    o Operations/Workflows

    o Knowing Your Numbers

    o Marketing

    While Chaps IN Caps Pty Ltd T/As Tilt Business Coaching will be providing you with guidance, direction and some material, this role is advisory, and we are not engaged to do the work for you.

    You will be solely accountable for producing the results. Chaps IN Caps Pty Ltd T/As Tilt Business Coaching will hold you accountable, challenge your thinking on business, and remind you of your goals (both personal and business) and do everything in our power to help you get there.

    This engagement is not designed to provide instant overnight outcomes, it is designed to make long lasting sustainable improvements in your business and help you achieve your goals.

    The first invoice will be issued upon signing of this agreement, and subsequent invoices will be issued weekly from this date. Invoices must be paid prior to each session. Failure to pay each invoice in full risks termination of this agreement.

    By entering into this engagement, you agree to forever indemnify and hold harmless Chaps IN Caps Pty Ltd T/As Tilt Business Coaching from and against any loss, cost or expense resulting in your activities related to this engagement.

    Chaps IN Caps Pty Ltd T/As Tilt Business Coaching does not provide taxation advice. If you are a client of BerryCA or WLB Bookkeeping this advice will be given through these entities. If you are not a client of these entities then you can engage these entities to provide you with taxation advice or seek your own.

    Period of Engagement

    This engagement starts on and is valid until it's ended by mutual agreement or superseded by a newer engagement. You or we may agree to vary or terminate this agreement at any time without penalty provided 28 days notice is given and the Notice of variation or termination must be given in writing. In addition, we may terminate this engagement on reasonable notice if any of the following circumstances occur:

    ● You fail to pay our accounts on time;

    ● You fail to provide us with requested information

    ● You fail to provide us with adequate instructions;

    ● Your instructions involve acting contrary to the interests of another client;

    ● A conflict of interest has arisen, or it is not appropriate for us to continue to act on your behalf;

    ● For any other reasonable and just cause.

    In addition to our other rights, upon termination you will be required to pay our charges for work done, and for any expenses incurred up to the date of termination together with our reasonable costs and expenses incurred in connection with the early termination of this engagement.

    Termination of this engagement is without prejudice to any rights that may have accrued before termination. The Terms and Conditions of this agreement which expressly or by implication are intended to survive its termination or expiry will survive and continue to bind the parties

    Ownership of Documents

    All original documents obtained from the client arising from the engagement shall remain the property of the client. However, we reserve the right to make a reasonable number of copies of the original documents for our records.

    Client Responsibilities and Warranties

    In conducting this engagement, information acquired by us in the course of the engagement is subject to strict confidentiality requirements. That information will not be disclosed by us to other parties except as required to provide the Services; as allowed for by law; or with your express written consent.

    You agree that we are entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of any information you provide us under this agreement and in order to provide our services to you. Tilt Business Coaching accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss, damage, claim or expense that you may suffer as a result of you providing us with inaccurate, incomplete, incorrect out of date or untimely accounting records, particulars or information, and you waive and release us from any and all such liability.

    You agree to pay Tilt Business Coaching the Fees in accordance with the Billing Schedule set out in this agreement.

    You warrant that you have not relied on any representations or warranties made by Tilt Business Coaching in respect of the Services which have not been expressly set out in this agreement.


    In conducting this engagement, information acquired by us in the course of the engagement is subject to strict confidentiality requirements. That information will not be disclosed by us to other parties except as required to provide the Services; as allowed for by law; or with your express written consent. If you are a client of WLB Bookkeeping & BerryCA by entering this engagement you give consent to provide information from your Xero file and or tax return to Tilt Business Coaching as and should the need arise. Tilt Business Coaching has taken all available measures to ensure the security and privacy of your data is protected and follows the notifiable data breaches scheme as outlined in the Privacy Act 1988.

    Force majeure

    Neither party will be liable to the other for any delay or failure to fulfil their obligations under this agreement if that delay and/or failure arises from causes beyond their control, including but not limited to fire, floods, acts of God, acts or regulations of any government or supranational authority, war, riot, terrorist activities, strikes, lockouts and industrial disputes.

    Electronic Communications

    You agree that we will communicate with each other by electronic means such as e-mail, SMS etc. We and you each recognise that e-mail and the internet are inherently insecure and that emails and data can become corrupted, are not always delivered promptly (or at all) and that other methods of communication may be appropriate. In addition, the internet is prone to viruses. We and you each recognise these hazards and so each of us will be responsible for protecting our own systems and interests and neither of you nor we will be responsible to the other on any basis for any loss or damage in any way arising from the use of electronic communication.

    Invoicing and Payment

    The first invoice will be issued upon signing of this agreement, and subsequent invoices will be issued weekly from this date. Invoices must be paid prior to each session. Failure to pay each invoice in full risks termination of this agreement. By entering into this engagement, you agree to forever indemnify and hold harmless Tilt Business Coaching from and against any loss, cost or expense resulting in your activities related to this engagement. We will submit our invoices as indicated herein.

    If an extension of our services is requested, we will discuss our fee arrangements at that time. If you choose one of these additional services, a separate engagement letter will be provided. These services will be billed separately.

    We reserve the right to suspend our services or to withdraw from this engagement in the event that any of our invoices are deemed delinquent. In the event that any collection action is required to collect unpaid balances due to us, you agree to reimburse us for our costs of collection, including lawyers fees.

    Privacy Act

    We may collect Personal Information about your representatives, your clients and others when we provide services to you. If we do, you agree to work with us to ensure that we both meet the obligations that we each may have under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended) (Privacy Act). The obligations may include notifying the relevant person to whom the personal information relates who we are and how we propose to use their personal information. Where you have collected personal information, you confirm that you have collected the personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act, that you are entitled to provide this personal information to us and that we may use and disclose the personal information for the purpose/s we provide our services to you. We will handle personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.